While creating the digital drawings, I worked with the items in front of me. Especially since it was early in the morning, the first thing that jumped out in front of me was my coffee mug!
Prints and phone cases available here.

While creating the digital drawings, I worked with the items in front of me. Especially since it was early in the morning, the first thing that jumped out in front of me was my coffee mug!
Prints and phone cases available here.
Stopped at a convenient Starbucks to pass some time and caught some baristas working and patrons in line. The one girl was pretty bundled up – long sleeves, vest, apron, fluffy scarf.
And some friends chatting and reading over their coffees.
Eventually the crowd thinned out and I ended up drawing my table and sketchbook of sketches (as seen in the very top picture). For whatever reason that always strikes me as silly and makes me smile. 😀
Confession time, I’m not very good at just making art for the fun of it. I used to sketch and doodle a lot, but after college got out of the habit. Over the last year I’ve started again, in fits and starts. While I haven’t really made any 2017 resolutions, I am making it a point to make more art. Nothing serious, just art for me, for the fun of it.
Actually, I started in 2016. I re-organized my art supplies so they’re more accessible and tucked some sketchbooks and pens/pencils in a bag so they’re easy to grab.
Here are some doodles:
Sitting in the hospital lobby, waiting for Ashley to get off of work.
At a coffee shop, enjoying a French Press.
Someone at the register, ordering their coffee.