9×6″ Ink & Watercolor on sketch paper
It’s easy to forget that weather reports don’t have to be bad (especially when it’s chilly and raining outside). So here’s a quick reminder.
100% chance of weather today… Enjoy it!
9×6″ Ink & Watercolor on sketch paper
After posting the weather report on my FaceBook page I received a comment about how simple the forecast was. Which made me think about this Einstein quote.
(You can see that the hair and ‘stache from the sketch didn’t make it into this drawing.)
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein
9×6″ pencil doodles on sketch paper
Sketching out a concept for Mom’s birthday card.
On the same page I was seeing how one could make a stick figure look like Albert Einstein, with his recognizable hair and mustache.
9×6″ Ink & Watercolor on sketch paper
Just like the last guy, this fella nailed the weather report (and, fortunately, he came prepared!)
100% chance of weather today.
9×6″ Watercolor on sketch paper
Do you trust the weather forecast? I have gotten so that I won’t believe anything more than about 36 hours out. This stick figure seems to have it figured out, no matter what the weather might be!
100% Chance of weather today
9×6″ Watercolor on sketch paper
I’ve certainly enjoyed starting my project – a series of stick figures displaying quotes that I’ve collected over the years.
Find me a happy person and I’ll show you a person with a project.
9×6″ Watercolor on sketch paper
Building on the last painting, I decided that it was time to keep on going while the paint was still wet.
The beginning of a task is the chief thing. ~ Plato
9×6″ Watercolor on sketch paper
You’ve got to start somewhere and this seemed appropriate. If I keep worrying about getting my art perfectly the way that I want it I’ll never get started.
Perfect is the enemy of good enough.
9×6″ Watercolor on sketch paper
Playing around with watercolor paints in my sketchbook.